Connie Snyder Mick, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Director, Academic Affairs

Professor of the Practice


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205 Geddes Hall

Connie Snyder Mick is a senior associate director and the director of academic affairs at the Institute for Social Concerns where she directs the Poverty Studies Interdisciplinary Minor.

Professor Mick teaches core courses for Poverty Studies, including Introduction to Poverty Studies and the Writing for Social Change senior capstone. She teaches Poverty & Justice: Inside-Out at the Westville Correctional Facility with “outside” students from Notre Dame, Holy Cross College, and Saint Mary’s College along with “inside” students who are corrections staff or who are incarcerated inside the prison.

Professor Mick is editor of the Journal of Poverty and Public Policy. She served as a governing board member of the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty and a faculty representative on the Indiana Campus Compact Advisory Board. She is an affiliated faculty member in Gender Studies.

Professor Mick’s research interests address the role of writing in social change, the rhetoric of poverty, and the pedagogies of community engagement. Her publications include Poverty/Privilege: A Reader for Writers, Oxford University Press (2015) and a full argument rhetoric Good Writing: An Argument Rhetoric, Oxford University Press (2018). Her research appears in the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning; Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture; Service-Learning: Enhancing Inclusive Education; TESOL Journal; Foundational Practices in Online Writing Instruction; and a chapter in Service-Learning to Advance Access and Success. Her essay “Letting the Light In”, exploring how poverty imprisons us, appears in the Winter 2025 issue of Notre Dame Magazine.