Arts of Dignity
The arts are integral to justice education at the Institute for Social Concerns because they show us the realities of injustice while providing visions of what a just world might look like. Arts engagement happens through art exhibitions, course offerings, and community projects.
Each year, we host the Arts of Dignity student exhibition, displaying student artwork that explores themes related to social justice and human dignity. Pedagogically, art provides a medium through which students can process their immersive experiences beyond the verbal or analytical. Further, encounters with people on the margins are fundamentally incarnate experiences, and art channels ideas into concrete images.
Every academic year Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s College, Holy Cross College, and IU South Bend undergraduate and graduate creatives submit work for the Arts of Dignity student art exhibit and competition.
The exhibit opens during Walk the Walk Week and hangs in the Institute for Social Concerns through the end of the semester. Walk the Walk Week is a week-long series of events to help us consider how we — both individually and collectively — can take an active role in making Notre Dame more welcoming and inclusive.
Submitted works should explore themes related to justice. Each submission should include a statement describing how the work relates to the themes. There will be cash prizes for the top three artworks.
Eligible Media: painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, ceramic, mixed media, and design. Any original art made from 2022-2025 is eligible, and students may submit up to three entries. Artwork should be photographed well, and images submitted should be hi-res with good lighting and cropped if necessary. Each submission should include title, dimensions, and artist statement describing how the work explores the themes of Walk the Walk Week. Accepted 2-D works should be framed or have hanging wire fastened to the back.
Questions? Please contact Geneva Hutchinson at ghutchin@nd.edu.