Postgrad Service Category: International

Farm of the Child

Farm of the Child ACTIVITIES: Social work/case management, special needs, elementary and middle school teaching, ESL, health clinic, house aides living with adolescents, maintenance work, administration, accounting, youth ministry and formation, vocational and life skills training COMMITMENT: 27 months or 8-10 weeks in the summer OVERVIEW: Farm of the Child offers volunteers a unique opportunity […]

Rostro de Cristo

Rostro de Cristo ACTIVITIES: Volunteers serve in a variety of positions: teaching, tutoring, facilitating after-school programs, community outreach and organizing, leading retreat groups, assisting in parish activities, working at a hospital for Hansen’s Disease, and working with social services agencies. RdC also hosts 25 week-long immersion retreats for high school and college students each year; each […]

Amigos de Jesus

Amigos de Jesus FOCUS: Children ACTIVITIES: Variety of placements based on mutual discernment process. Common placements: education (English, pre-school, physical education, special education, tutoring); communications and public relations; health; pastoral ministry. REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in Spanish or attend language school prior to start of service CONTACT:Alan COMMITMENT: 13 months OR summer camp June-August OVERVIEW: Amigos de Jesus […]

Salesian Lay Missioners

Salesian Lay Missioners ACTIVITIES: Youth ministry, placements in orphanages, retreat centers, primary/secondary/technical/vocational schools, television/radio broadcasting, community development, and several others. CONTACT:(914) COMMITMENT: 12 months or more OVERVIEW: The Salesian Lay Missioners (SLM) is a Catholic association of men and women, seeking to answer God’s missionary call in their own lives by dedicating themselves to works […]

Peace Corps

Peace Corps ACTIVITIES: Peace Corps Volunteers serve in over 60 countries. Collaborate with local community members to work on education, youth outreach and community development, economic development projects, health, the environment, and agriculture. COMMITMENT: 27 months or more OVERVIEW: The Peace Corps is a service opportunity for motivated changemakers to immerse themselves in a community abroad, […]

Open Arms Home for Children

Open Arms Home for Children ACTIVITIES: Driving the children to school or medical appointments, chaperoning a field trip to the beach or the movies, assisting with art projects, helping with school work, tutoring kids who need special academic help, working in our preschool each day, helping in our computer lab, playing every kind of game imaginable! […]

Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos USA

Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos USA ACTIVITIES: Volunteers have a day job and spend each evening and every other weekend with a group of children. Volunteers work as teachers, tutors, therapists, in the clinics, as journalists, project managers, and other roles depending on the homes’ needs. NPH pays for room and board, a stipend, and access to medical care. […]

Mercy Volunteer Corps

Mercy Volunteer Corps ACTIVITIES: Opportunities in healthcare, education, social services, and advocacy. COMMITMENT: 12 months and summer opportunities OVERVIEW: Mercy Volunteer Corps offers professional placements in six cities across the USA and in Guyana, South America. Mercy Volunteers work in education, healthcare, and social services while growing spiritually and living simply in community. Mercy Volunteer Corps […]

Serving and Learning Together (SALT)

Serving and Learning Together (SALT) ACTIVITIES: Sponsored by the Mennonite Central Committee, Serving and Learning Together (SALT) is a year-long, cross-cultural service experience for Christian young adults from Canada and the U.S. Volunteers serve internationally in a wide variety of positions in fields like education, agriculture, health care, information technology, peace and more. During their assignments […]

Maryknoll Lay Missioners

Maryknoll Lay Missioners ACTIVITIES: Missioners serve in Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, El Salvador, Kenya and Tanzania, in ministries such as healthcare, education and leadership training, sustainable development, peace and justice, and pastoral care. CONTACT:Lupe or COMMITMENT: 42 months, negotiable OVERVIEW: Maryknoll Lay Missioners is a Catholic organization inspired by the mission of Jesus to live […]