Labor Café Archive 2015-16
Labor Cafe Sessions, 2015–16
Friday | April 15, 2016 | 5 PM | Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: “Labor on Campus (Notre Dame & beyond).”
Facilitator: Members of the Progressive Student Alliance
Friday | April 1, 2016 | 5 PM | Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: “The Displaced Persons of Damascus: Syrian Refugees, Work, and International Politics.”
Facilitator: Undergraduate Julie Mardini (AMST ’19)
- “From Syria to Rio: refugee Yusra Mardini targets Olympic swimming spot,” The Guardian, Mar. 18, 2016
- “Protracted Displacement: Syrian Refugees in Turkey,” Global Labour Column, Mar. 2016
- “The Battle for Skilled Syrian Labor,” Handelsblatt, Mar. 24, 2016
- “Absence of Syrian Refugee Camps in Lebanon Heats Up Labor Competition and Local Tensions,” IPI Global Observatory, Mar. 17, 2014
Friday | February 19, 2016 | 5 PM | Snite Museum of Art
Topic: Henry Mosler’s “Forging the Cross,” a painting from the permanent collection on special exhibit
Facilitator: Ms. Bridget O’Brien Hoyt, Curator of Education (Academic Programs) at the Snite Museum of Art
- The Snite Museum of Art produced a brochure, “In Dialogue,” to accompany the January-March 2016 special exhibit of Mosler’s painting (see right). The feature included contributions from several Notre Dame faculty members.
Friday | February 4, 2016 | 5 PM / Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: Recent trends in U.S. employment law
Facilitator: Law student Lowell Ritter (ND ’17)
- ”How worker-friendly laws changed life as a server in San Francisco restaurants,” Washington Post 01122016
- ”Lyft Drivers Still Aren’t Employees, but What About Uber Drivers?,” Atlantic 01272016
- ”Supreme Court Rules Against Worker Pay for Screenings in Amazon Warehouse Case,” New York Times 12092014
- “A.G. Schneiderman Announces Settlements With Two Major National Retailers Over Violations Of ‘Ban The Box’ Law,” New York Attorney General’s Office Press Release 01202016
- “Accused of Retaliating Against Workers, Walmart Says It Closed Stores Over Plumbing Problems,” Slate 04202015
- “Wal-Mart strikes lawful, must reinstate workers: NLRB judge,” Reuters 01222016
Friday | January 22, 2016 | 5 PM | Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: Abusive management and hostile work environments
Facilitator: Professor Charlice Hurst (Management)
- “Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace,” New York Times 08152015
- “Jeff Bezos and Amazon Employees Join Debate Over Its Culture,” New York Times 08172015
- “Why the ‘Best Places to Work’ Often Aren’t,” New York Times 12192014
- “The Consulting Firms With The Best Work/Life Balance,” Forbes 09042015
- “The Tao of Paul Polman,” Washington Post 052102015
Friday | November 20, 2015 | 5 PM | Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: “The Right to Unite vs. The Right to Work: Public Sector Workers, Unions, and the U.S. Supreme Court”
Facilitator: Professor Barbara Fick (Law School)
- Alliance for Justice, “The Right to Unite” (video)
- Alliance for Justice, “The Right to Unite: Film Guide”
- Chuck Ross, “Supreme Court Deals Blow to Unions,” Daily Caller, Jun. 30, 2014
- Stephanie Simon, “For Unions, Not a Fatal Verdict,” Politico, Jun. 30, 2014
- Jim Waters, “Bluegrass Beacon: To Join or Not Join Unions? That is the (Right-to-Work) Question,”Bluegrass Institute, Jul. 14, 2014
Friday | October 30, 2015 | 5: PM | Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: Undocumented immigrants, labor markets, and labor rights
Facilitator: Undergraduate Ricky Clark (ITM/POLS ’16)
- Adam Davidson, “Debunking the Myth of the Job-Stealing Immigrant” The New York Times Magazine (2015)
- Steven Greenhouse, “Workers Organize, but Don’t Unionize, to Get Protection Under Labor Law” The New York Times (2015)
- Paul Harris, “Undocumented workers’ grim reality: speak out on abuse and risk deportation” The Guardian (2013)
- Stuart Anderson, “More Work Visas, Less Illegal Immigration” Forbes (2015)
- Michelle Chen, “Farmworkers Dig Into the New ‘Blue Card’ Plan” In These Times (2013)
Friday | October 2, 2015 | 5 PM |Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: “Student-athlete-as-workers” question
Facilitator; Undergraduate Jimmy Firth (ITM ’16)
- Kemberlee Kaye “NLRB Dismisses Ruling that Would Allow College Athletes to Unionize” (Legal Insurrection)
- Dan Barry “Notre Dame President Stands Firm Amid Shifts in College Athletics” (New York Times)
- John Powers “Paying Stipends to College Athletes Remains a Divisive Issue” (Boston Globe)
- Marc Edelman and Zev J. Eigen “Should College Athletes Be Allowed to Unionize” (Wall Street Journal)
Friday | September 18, 2015 | 5 PM | Geddes Hall, Coffee House
Topic: The minimum wage debate
Facilitator: Undergraduate Katie Luotto (HIST ’17)
- Marty Wolfson, “Raising the Minimum Wage is the Right Thing to Do”, South Bend Tribune
- U.S. Department of Labor, “Minimum Wage Mythbusters”
- James Pethokoukis, “Warren Buffet Explains Why a $15 Minimum Wage Is Bad for Workers,” American Enterprise Institute
- Reihan Salam, “The Fight Against 15,” Slate
- Oren Cass, “A Smarter Way to Raise Paychecks,” The New York Times