Archives: Newsletter Post
Considering Radical Hope
This fall at Virtues & Vocations, we have been exploring the virtue of hope. It is always timely, but feels even more pressing at this moment. We invite you to listen in on our conversation with Jonathan Lear on the ramifications of radical hope in his work and life since he published the seminal book […]
Leading with Character: Virtue Formation for Aspiring School Leaders
Late in 2018, North Central College received a grant from the Kern Family Foundation to infuse virtue ethics into their Educational Leadership program, and Dr. Maureen Spelman–then at Saint Xavier University–was brought on to lead the reimagination process. As a professor at Saint Xavier for almost 2 decades, Dr. Spelman had served as a consultant […]
Life Worth Living by Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun and Ryan McAnnally-Linz
Life Worth Living is a book based on the popular Yale University class by the same name. As with the course, the book challenges readers to ask questions about what matters in life. It then gives an overview of various philosophical and religious answers to some of the biggest questions, highlighting competing claims about what […]
A Glimpse of Hope
This month we are featuring an art essay with pieces by incarcerated men from Westville Correctional Facility. This was featured in the Summer 2023 issue of Virtues & Vocations: Higher Education for Human Flourishing.
The Educator as Exemplar
In a higher education setting where students arrive with a variety of worldviews and from a society that prizes relativity and individualism, carrying out the role of an educator is bound to be delicate. Is the college experience mostly about the transfer of intellectual and academic knowledge, or is there something more? Should educators be […]
Reflecting on Hope
This month we launch the new issue of Virtues & Vocations: Higher Education for Human Flourishing. In 12 essays written by scholars from around the country, an interview with philosopher Jonathan Lear, an art essay, and select poetry, hope is engaged as a virtue and as a vocation. Read more.
Optimal Work: Making Work an Expression of Your Highest Ideals
As he was preparing to give a talk to Harvard undergraduates about how to do their best work, Dr. Kevin Majeres had an epiphany. He already had years of experience as a psychiatrist and faculty member at Harvard Medical School helping clients overcome their issues with anxiety, and he realized that his approach could also […]
College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be, 2nd edition by Andrew Delbanco
What is the point of attending college? For many, that question has as many answers as there are college students. Some students are simply hoping to have the quintessential college experience, others are looking to discover their passions, while still others are preparing for pre-professional training in engineering, medicine, or law. But what should the […]
Stanley Hauerwas Reflects on Callings
In this article from Virtues&Vocations: Higher Education for Human Flourishing, Stanley Hauerwas reflects on “Callings” and the relationship between virtues and vocations.
Gentle Power by Emilia Elisabet Lahti
In his viral TED talk “Why Ordinary People Need to Understand Power,” Eric Liu points out that, even though many might think of power as something that is at its core malevolent or evil, power is actually a neutral force. Just like fire, or the knowledge of physics, power can be used for good or […]