Archives: Newsletter Post
Race and the Professions
During the summer of 2020, many Americans took to the streets after the murder of George Floyd and emerging statistics about COVID health disparities brought issues of racial justice to the foreground of national discourse. In response, The Purpose Project at Duke developed the Race and the Professions Fellowship, a year-long program for graduate students […]
Seeking Forgiveness/Searching for Hope in our Anthropocene World
When I talk to people about climate change and the multiple forms of eco-social damage that punctuate our world, I now know that I risk inducing the symptoms of what some mental health professionals are calling Pre-Traumatic Distress Syndrome. This form of PTSD happens when people are bombarded, like so many concussive blows, by an […]
How To Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Katy Milkman is an engineer turned behavioral economist who co-directs the Behavior Change for Good Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania with Angela Duckworth. In Milkman’s new book, How to Change, she tells a story about the first time she realized that perhaps she could change her own habits if she tackled her inability to change […]
UVA Equips Student Athletes to Promote Flourishing
When University of Virginia men’s lacrosse player Quentin Matsui was a first-year student, he noticed that at practice, his teammates worried about schoolwork, and in class, they were worried about their performance on the field. As a student in “The Art and Science of Human Flourishing,” a first-semester interdisciplinary course sponsored by the UVA Contemplative Sciences […]
Crabwalking Towards Purpose
Over the past several years, I have developed curricular and co-curricular programming to engage students at Duke in questions of purpose—what it means, why it matters, and how cultivating it can be transformational. Everyone wants a purposeful life; however, wanting purpose is different than cultivating the ability to discern it. Below are a four things […]
Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future
At the conclusion of Under a White Sky, Elizabeth Kolbert writes,“This has been a book about people trying to solve problems created by people trying to solve problems” (200). While that summary is an accurate description of the uniting thread in the book, it does not capture the compelling narrative that precedes it. Under a White Sky is […]
Exploring Social Justice, Empathy and Engineering Pedagogy
How can best practices in community engagement improve engineering, and what does engineering have to do with justice? Engineering professor David Delaine and the Inclusive Community-Based Learning lab (iCBL) at The Ohio State University (OSU) is exploring these questions in a reciprocal partnership with community member Paula Nabrit and her family at the Charles Madison Nabrit Community […]
From Purposeful Graduates to Purposeful Colleges
What happens when colleges and universities invite students to explore of the idea of vocation? I answered that question in The Purposeful Graduate (2015), describing the effects of a $250M Lilly Endowment initiative undertaken at 88 campuses across the nation. But it has been six years, two tumultuous Presidential elections, and one pandemic since that book was […]
Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting
Vallor’s Technomoral Virtues: A Critical Update for Virtue Ethics Review by Jolynn Dellinger, Visiting Lecturer and Kenan Senior Fellow, The Kenan Institute for Ethics In Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting, Shannon Vallor provides a critical, contemporary update to Aristotelian virtue ethics, deftly adapting that foundational ethical framework to the […]
Moral Moments in Medicine
This year, a group of 40 students and 16 faculty in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing at Duke are participating in Moral Moments in Medicine: Pandemics, Race, Social Justice, a new course hosted by the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine in collaboration with The Purpose Project at Duke, the Kenan Institute […]