Franciscan Mission Service

ACTIVITIES: Overseas ministry placements vary by needs of the local community but may include: teaching/tutoring, pastoral ministry, social work (with survivors of abuse, torture), community development, and sustainable agriculture. The domestic NonProfit Servant Leadership Program is in Washington, D.C. and includes 1) the 13-month Office Associates track (communications, programming, event planning, development) and 2) the 12-month DC Service Corps positions (peace education, refugee services, youth outreach and homelessness ministry).

Emily Norton

COMMITMENT: 2 years international; 12-13 months domestic; short-term mission trips

OVERVIEW: Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) offers both international and domestic opportunities for long-term service, responding to the call to walk in solidarity with people who are poor, oppressed, or marginalized. Lay Missioners serve 2+ years in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Jamaica. FMS volunteers have served in over 20 countries and additional sites are being actively pursued. For those who are drawn to service within the United States, FMS offers two distinct paths within its Nonprofit Servant Leadership Program. Young adults who want to gain valuable experience in a nonprofit setting can serve at FMS Headquarters as Office Associates for 13 months, while those who prefer direct service with marginalized populations can serve as members of the D.C. Service Corps. All domestic volunteers live in community in the heart of “Little Rome,” near Catholic University and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.