
CSC 23915

What does justice look like? How are injustices created and perpetuated? What is my responsibility to promote justice and the common good? How can research contribute to these goals? In this required course for students selected to participate in the NDBridge summer program, students are equipped to answer these questions as they develop a framework for encountering people in marginalized communities and understanding the challenges these communities face. Through lectures, course materials, discussions, group projects, and brief writing assignments, the course aims to introduce students to the ethics of engagement, cultivate their moral imagination, and prepare them to carry out research for the common good. Students will grapple with key concepts in the Catholic Social Tradition, engage with theories about systems that cause and maintain injustice, consider the design and purposes of research, and practice self-reflection and moral attentiveness to others. By the end of the course, students will draft a plan for their summer work that integrates their learning in the course. Eight weeks of summer travel is required. Application required.

Class Dates: Wednesdays, 6:00–8:00 p.m. (from Feb. 12 to April 9). Students will be required to attend one additional pre-departure training session on either April 16, 23, or 30, time and location to be provided.
Instructor: Ryan Juskus

Credits: 1
Associated Term: Spring 2025