Labor Cafe Archive 2016-17
Friday | April 21, 2017 | 5–6 PM | Snite Museum of Art
Topic: American Ruins
Facilitators: Bridget Hoyt, Curator of Education/Academic Programs, and students from Professor Erika Doss’s American Studies “American Ruins” class
Friday | April 7, 2017 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: Exploring the Risk of Forced Labor Within the Supply Chains of Notre Dame Licensees
Facilitators: Students from the Institute for Social Concerns Fall 2016 Human Trafficking Seminar
- “All Your Clothes Are Made with Exploited Labor,” The Atlantic, June 3, 2015.
- “Apparel & Footwear Benchmark Findings Report,” Know the Chain, Dec. 2016.
Friday | March 24, 2017 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: The Future of Work: essays from a recent issue of The New York Times Magazine
Facilitator: Dan Graff, Director, Higgins Labor Program
- “Divisions of Labor: New kinds of work require new ideas — and new ways of organizing,” The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 26, 2017.
- “The Jobs Americans Do: Popular ideas about the working class are woefully out of date. Here are nine people who tell a truer story of what the American work force does today — and will do tomorrow,” The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 26, 2017.
- “The Retraining Paradox: Many Americans need jobs, or want better jobs, while employers have good jobs they can’t fill. Matching them up is the tricky part,” The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 26, 2017.
- “The Future of Not Working: As automation reduces the need for human labor, some Silicon Valley executives think a universal income will be the answer — and the beta test is happening in Kenya,” The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 26, 2017.
- “Learning to Love our Robot Co-Workers: The most important frontier for robots is not the work they take from humans but the work they do with humans — which requires learning on both sides,” The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 26, 2017.
Friday | February 24, 2017 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: ND’s Labor Licensing Code: Moving Forward
Facilitators: Representatives from the Student Worker Participation Committee
- “WPC Recommendations,” Office of the Executive Vice President, Spring 2015 (summary on p. 2-4).
- “In Foul Trouble: Unlacing Georgetown’s Relationship with Nike,” The Georgetown Voice, Feb. 29, 2016.
- “Interview: Guatemalan Aluminum Workers Describe Abuse,” Solidarity Center, Oct. 11, 2012.
- “Universities Not Making Enough Progress to Protect Human Rights in Supply Chain, Spending or Investments,” NYU Center for Business and Human Rights, Oct. 10, 2014.
- “Refusing to Honor Labor Rights Backfires on China,” New York Times, May 12, 2016.
Friday | February 3, 2017 | 5–6 PM| Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: A Labor Hootenanny!
Facilitator (Musician!): Kyle Lambelet (Ph.D. candidate in Theology & Peace Studies) (& friends)
Friday | December 2, 2016 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: Laboring Under Climate Change
Facilitator: Richard “Drew” Marcantonio (Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology & Peace Studies)
- “UN Agency Calls for Global Transformation of Agriculture in the Face of a Changing Climate,” News Security Beat, Nov. 15, 2016
- “Labor in the Age of Climate Change,” Jacobin, Mar. 18, 2016
- “Climate Change Poses ‘Severe Health Risks’ to Outdoor Workers,” The Atlantic, Jun. 24, 2014
- “See What Climate Change Means for the World’s Poor,” National Geographic, Dec. 1, 2015
Friday | November 18, 2016 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Hall Coffee House
Topic: Greg, Brittany, and Jamal All Walk into an Interview: Diversity, the Labor Market, and Pay in the USA
Facilitator: Cindy Lee (Accounting, Statistics, & Poverty Studies ’18)
- “What Shared Prosperity?” David Ruccio’s Occasional Links and Commentary, Oct. 31, 2016
- “Fake Cover Letters Expose Discrimination Against Disabled,” NYT, Nov. 2, 2015
- “As Women Take Over a Male-Dominated Field, the Pay Drops,” NYT, Mar. 18, 2016
- “Sisterhood Is Not Enough: Why Workplace Equality Needs Men, Too,” NYT, Aug. 13, 2016
- “The Gay vs. Straight Pay Gap, Visualized,” HowMuch.net, Sep. 28, 2016
- “Racial, gender wage gaps persist in U.S. despite some progress,” Pew Research Center, Jul. 1, 2016
Friday | November 4, 2016 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Coffee House
Topic: Labor Issues in the Presidential Campaign (part 2)
Facilitator: Julie Mardini (American Studies & Spanish ’19)
Resources (the official campaign websites):
Friday | September 30, 2016 | 5–6 PM | Geddes Coffee House
Topic: Labor Issues in Presidential Campaign (co-sponsored by NDVotes ’16)
Facilitators: Sofia Carozza (Neuroscience & Theology ’19) & Abby Ferguson (Psychology & Gender Studies ’19)
- “Compare the candidates: Clinton vs. Trump on the economy,” Politifact, Jul. 22, 2016
- “Where do the presidential candidates stand on child care and pay equity?” PBS Newshour’s The Rundown, Sep. 12, 2016
- “Where do the presidential candidates stand on trade?” PBS Newshour’s The Rundown, Aug. 25, 2016
- “Union Leaders Contend Clinton, Not Trump, Is True Champion Of The Middle Class,” NPR, Jul. 25, 2016
- “Donald Trump Lays Out Protectionist Views in Trade Speech,” Wall Street Journal, Jun. 28, 2016
- “Why these diehard Democrats are rooting for Trump,” Washington Post, Aug. 18, 2016
- “The Minimum Wage,” The Politics and Elections Portal <accessed Sep. 22, 2016>
- “2016 presidential candidates on federal assistance programs,” Ballotpedia <accessed Sep. 22, 2016>
Friday | September 16, 2016 |5–6 PM | Geddes Coffee House
Topic: The Hours Question
Facilitator: Dan Graff, Director, Higgins Labor Program
- “The next labor fight is over when you work, not how much you make,” Washington Post, May 8, 2015
- “Labor Day by the numbers: Americans can’t stop, won’t stop working,” USA Today, Sep. 5, 2016
- “Taking a look at unpredictable schedules,” Washington Center for Equitable Growth, Sept. 6, 2016
- “Costco doesn’t support Seattle’s proposed scheduling law,” Seattle Times, Sep. 5, 2016
Friday | September 2, 2016 / 5–6 PM / Geddes Coffee House
Topic: Welcome & Labor Day Recognition
Facilitator: Dan Graff, Director, Higgins Labor Program