Just Wage Research Lab
CSC 30951
This interdisciplinary course enlists students in the ongoing efforts of the Just Wage Research Lab, a collaborative research and advocacy project of the Higgins Labor Program at the Center for Social Concerns. Students will help develop, refine, and update the Just Wage Framework, a multi-stakeholder online tool designed to advance a more inclusive and equitable economy. Students will also undertake collaborative research projects in partnership with academic researchers and/or community organizations, connecting their own intellectual interests and disciplinary expertise to the common-good project of promoting a just wage economy. Extended weekly sessions will facilitate visits by scholars, practitioners, and activists; interactive group discussions; and collaborative experiments.
Class Dates: Wednesdays 3:30–6:00 p.m.
Instructor: Dan Graff
Credits: 3
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Crosslisted with: CST 30951