Giving to the Institute

Gifts to the University (or for memorial or annual gifts) may be partially or totally allocated to the Institute for Social Concerns, whether sent directly to the institute or through the University’s Development Office. Please indicate your intent by writing on the check, pledge form, or in an accompanying letter or phone call. 

Current partial list of institute needs:

  • Support for the Father Don McNeill Endowment Fund for Excellence in Service Learning honoring institute founder Father Don McNeill. This fund will assist, among other initiatives, in supporting seminars and pilot projects so often identified with Father Don’s lifetime commitment “for a more just and humane world.”
  • Support for the annual operations of the institute.
  • Alternative break seminar support for student scholarships and transportation.
  • Community-based research and course development grants.
  • Justice issues speaker support for prominent speaker travel and honoraria.

If you would like to assist with any of these needs, please contact Monica Caro at the Institute for Social Concerns, or the Notre Dame Development Office at the number listed below.

Development Office
1100 Grace Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-7164