Conference Schedule
All events are located in the Notre Dame Conference Center at McKenna Hall on Notre Dame Avenue unless otherwise noted.
Please stop by and visit the vendor and Notre Dame Bookstore tables, 2nd Floor, Ryan Family Forum.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
4:00–7:00 p.m. | Registration 2nd Floor Welcome/Registration Deck | |
7:00 p.m. | Conference Opening – Room 215/216 Choral Performance University of Notre Dame Coro Primavera Choir Prayer Rev. Austin Collins, C.S.C., Vice President for Mission Engagement & Church Affairs, University of Notre Dame Welcome and Introduction Bill Purcell, Senior Associate Director, Institute for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame Keynote Address “Defending Human Rights: Untapped Potentials” Prof. Dr. Michelle Becka, Julius-Maximilians-University, Würzburg |
Friday, March 24, 2023
8:00–9:30 a.m. | Continental Breakfast, Registration, and Networking – 2nd Floor | |
9:00 a.m. | Keynote Address – Room 215/216 Introduction Margaret Pfeil, Ph.D., Teaching Professor, Theology and the Institute for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame, and University of Notre Dame“ Gospel Nonviolence: The Heart of Catholic Teaching on Peace” Marie Dennis, Pax Christi International | |
10:15 a.m. | Break | |
10:45 a.m. | Social Issues Colloquium I: Concurrent Presentations Room B01 “The Integral Person as Present in Pacem in Terris and Today” Br. Charles G. Burris, O. Praem., Graduate Student, Systematic Theology, Catholic Theological Union “An Active, Vital Peace: Nonviolence, Social Renewal, and the Contemporary Witness of the Catholic Worker” Casey Mullaney, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame and Anna Blackman, Lecturer in Catholic Religious Education, School of Education, University of Glasgow Room B02 “Climate Change, Contraception, and the Common Good” William French, Associate Professor of Theology and Director, Peace, Justice & Conflict Studies, Department of Theology, Loyola University of Chicago “Exploring the Links between Cultivating Peace and Caring for the Earth: Historical and Contemporary Reflections on Pacem and Terra” Sister Damien Marie Savino, FSE, Ph.D., Dean of Science and Sustainability and Associate Professor of Engineering, Aquinas College Room 202 “Collective Dignity and the Phenomenology of Race” Justin Conway, Doctoral Student, Department of Theology, Theological Ethics, Boston College “How Social Structures are More than Collections of Individuals: Residential Segregation, Structural Racism, and Sociology’s Contribution to Catholic Social Teaching” Josh Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Human Services & Sociology, Belmont Abbey College “Founded on Truth: Pacem in Terris, Racism, and Truth-Telling” Jens Mueller, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Notre Dame of Maryland University Room 204 “Promoting and Practicing Dignity-Affirming Partnerships” Edward Jurkovic, Program Manager, Entrepreneurship and Education Division, Pulte Institute for Global Development, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame and Paul C. Perrin, Director of Evidence and Learning, Pulte Institute for Global Development, and Associate Professor of the Practice in Global Health and Global Affairs, Keough School for Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame “‘How can we abandon them?’ Us and Them: Christian Social Thought in a Time of Populism” Valerio Aversano, Ph.D. Student, Research Unit of Theological and Comparative Ethics, KU Leuven, Belgium “After Pacem in Terris and The Challenge of Peace: How Pope Francis’s “Culture of Encounter” Carries Forward and Reimagines the Church’s Promotion of Global Peace Agenda” Martin O. Ejiowhor, Theological and Comparative Ethics Unit, KU Leuven, Belgium Room 205-207 “Women Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition” Erin Brigham, Ph.D., Executive Director, Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition, University of San Francisco, Elise Dubravec, M.Div., Campus Minister for Community Life, Division of Mission & Ministry, Santa Clara University, and Kathleen Maas Weigert, Ph.D., Prof. Emerita, Sociology, Loyola University Chicago “Women as Protagonists for Peace & Justice: Synodality and Centering Women’s Participation in and Leadership of the Church” Maureen O’Connell, Ph.D., Professor of Christian Ethics, La Salle University and Director of Synod and Higher Education Engagement, Discerning Deacons, and Kathleen Maas Weigert, Ph.D., Prof. Emerita, Sociology, Loyola University Chicago | |
12:15 p.m. | Lunch, on your own (see conference program booklet for on-campus and Eddy Street Commons options) | |
2:00 p.m. | Social Issues Colloquium II: Concurrent Presentations Room B01 “Gruesome Logic: The Tucson No More Deaths Prosecutions and Religious Liberty” Kristina M. Campbell, Professor of Law, University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law (Visiting Professor University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law AY 22–23) “Pacem in Terris––Its Invitation to Care for Unauthorized and Undocumented Immigrants in the US” Rev. John Bosco Lugonja, Ph.D. Student, Theology Department, Boston College “Helping Migrants as a Mutual Catholic-Muslim Value of Friendship” Jusuf Salih, Ph.D., Religious Studies Department, University of Dayton Room B02 “‘Reciprocity of Rights and Duties between Persons’: Notes on the Unfinished Political Theory of Pacem in Terris” Steven P. Millies, Professor of Public Theology and Director, The Bernardin Center, Department of Historical & Doctrinal Studies, Catholic Theological Union “A Pluralistic Recasting of the Notions of the Common Good and Civil Society in Pacem in Terris” John Francis Burke, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Trinity University “American Fracture and Active Peace: Renewing Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” Dominic Sanfilippo, Graduate Assistant, Department of Religious Studies, University of Dayton Room 202 “Basic Income and the Common Good: Building from Catholic Social Thought Towards Economic Justice and Deep Sustainability” James Mulvale, Ph.D., RSW, Professor, Faculty of Social Work, St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba “Odious Debts and Jubilees: Debt Forgiveness, Transitional Justice, and Peacebuilding in the Catholic Social Tradition” Megan Gooley, Ph.D. Candidate, Theology Department, Fordham University “Peace, Order, and Private Property: On Unlearning ‘Stewardship'” Kelly S. Johnson, Ph.D., Fr. Ferree Chair of Social Justice and Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton Room 204 “The Boundaries and Authority of Catholic Social Teaching: A Reply to John Finnis” Bernard Prusak, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Director of the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, King’s College (PA) “Pursuing Peace in U.S. Catholic Higher Education across 60 Years, a Legacy for a Synodal Church” Nicholas Rademacher, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Dayton “Using Catholic Social Teaching to Create Virtuous Social Technologies” Louisa Conwill, Doctoral Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame Room 205–207 “Pieces on Earth: Fragments of Resistance to Extractivism in the light of Pacem in Terris“ Sarah Bueter, Graduate Student, Candler School of Theology, Emory University “From Donor to Partner: International Development as Peacebuilding” Peter E. Baltutis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History and Religious Studies and the CWL Chair for Catholic Studies, St. Mary’s University | |
3:30 p.m. | Break | |
4:00 p.m. | Keynote Panel “Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought” – Room 215/216 Moderators Bernard Prusak, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Director of the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, King’s College (PA) and Jennifer Reed-Bouley, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Theology Program, College of Saint Mary (Omaha, Nebraska) Panelists Joseph McCartin, Professor of History and Executive Director of the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor, Georgetown University Vincent J. Miller, Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture, Department of Religious Studies, University of Dayton Laura Nichols, Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Santa Clara University Maureen O’Connell, Ph.D., Professor of Christian Ethics, La Salle University and Director of Synod and Higher Education Engagement, Discerning Deacons | |
5:15 p.m. | Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart (optional) | |
6:30 p.m. | Dinner and Presentation of the Fr. Don McNeill, C.S.C., and Sr. Judith Anne Beattie Social Concerns Award – Smith Ballroom, Morris Inn (advance registration required) | |
8:00 p.m. | Keynote Address – Room 215/216 Introduction Suzanne Shanahan, Ph.D., Leo and Arlene Hawk Executive Director, Institute for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame“ Respecting All Life: Innocent and Guilty” Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ, Anti-Death Penalty Advocate |
Saturday, March 25, 2023
8:00–9:30 a.m. | Continental Breakfast & Networking | |
8:30 a.m. | Social Issues Colloquium III: Concurrent Presentations Room B01 “Learning and Living Catholic Social Teaching: Stories for and from Alumni/ae of CCUs” Margarita M. Rose, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, King’s College and Jay Brandenberger, Ph.D., Professor of the Practice, Institute for Social Concerns and Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame “The Gap between Integral Education and Catholic Social Teaching: How Catholic Higher Education Might Respond to the Call of Pacem in Terris” Joseph D. Strubeck, M.A., Director of Advancement Operations & Reporting and Instructor of Philosophy, Institutional Advancement and Department of Philosophy, King’s College (Wilkes-Barre, PA) “Reinterpreting the Legacy of Catholic Social Teaching in the Light of the Option for the Poor: An Historical Enquiry” Rev. Anthony John Britto, Doctoral Student, Theology Department, University of Vienna Room B02 “Preventing Unjust War: A Catholic Argument for Selective Conscientious Objection” Roger Bergman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Justice & Peace Studies, Creighton University “Exploring the Polarity Between Peace and Justice in the Recent Catholic Social Teaching: Implications for Peace in the Contemporary Era” Mary Lilian Akhere Ehidiamhen, Researcher, Theological Ethics, Theology Department, KU Leuven, Belgium “Catholic Charities − Community Peacemakers” R. Scott Hurd, Vice President, Leadership Development and Catholic Identity and Peggy A. Arizzi, LCSW, Vice President, Programs & Services, Catholic Charities USA Room 202 “Subsidiarity: A Central Principle for Justice, Peace, and Sustainability in Mining” Caesar A. Montevecchio, Ph.D., Assistant Director, Catholic Peacebuilding Network, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame “Public Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Dignity of the Human Person in Health Care” Prof. Msgr. Martin Schlag, Moss Endowed Chair and Director of the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought, Center for Catholic Studies and Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas (MN) “The Roman Catholic Church and the Promotion of Territorial Peace in Colombia” Professor Edgar Antonio López, Faculty of Theology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Room 204 “University of Notre Dame Restoring ‘True Freedom’: Radical Welcome for People Returning from Prison” Justin McDevitt, Director, Women’s College Partnership (WCP) at Indiana Women’s Prison – Notre Dame Programs for Education in Prison (NDPEP), University of Notre Dame “Pope Francis and Alternative Economic Visions” John Sniegocki, Professor of Religious Ethics and Director, Peace & Justice Studies, Department of Theology, Xavier University “The Moral, Constitutional, and Policy Implications of Prison Privatization (and of Other Profit Incentives in Criminal Justice)” John R. Dacey, Executive Director and Attorney, Public Interest Law, Abolish Private Prisons Room 205-207 “Planetary Boundaries, Catholic Social Teaching, and Human Rights” Richard W. Miller, Ph.D., Professor of Systematic & Philosophical Theology and Professor of Sustainability Studies, Theology Department, Creighton University “Ecosystems of Jubilee: Theological Implications for Local Economic Justice” Adam Gustine, D.Min., Associate Director, Academic Affairs, Institute for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame “Culturally Sustaining Catholic Schools: Enacting Catholic Social Teaching’s Vision of Just Education” Katie Ward, M.Ed., Graduate Assistant, Roche Center for Catholic Education, Boston College | |
10:00 a.m. | Catholic Relief Services Keynote Panel Presentation with Sahel Peace Initiative: “Building Relationships in the Sahel” – Room 215/216 Moderator Stephen Hilbert, USCCB Office of International Justice and Peace Panelists Most Reverend Alfred Agyenta, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga, Ghana Sheikh Dr. Hazic Hussein Zakaria, Chairman of the Inter-Religious Dialogue Committee of the Northern Region | |
11:15 a.m. | Break | |
11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. | Social Issues Colloquium IV: Concurrent Presentations Room B01 “Laws and Human Dignity: A Christian Ethical Positioning” Rev. Elmar Nass, Dr. theol, Dr. soc., Habil. phil., Pro-Rector and Chair of Christian Social Sciences, Cologne University of Catholic Theology “Pacem in Terris and the Growth of Militarism” Rev. Dr. Ashley Beck, Associate Professor, Programme Lead, MA in Catholic Social Teaching, Foundation Degree in Pastoral Ministry, Institute of Theology and Liberal Arts, St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, London “Mass Murder from the Sky: The Legality and Morality of Aerial Bombardment from Warsaw (1939) to Ukraine (2023)” Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Professor of Law Emeritus, Valparaiso University Room B02 “Catholic Social Tradition, Personalism, and Virtue Ethics: Building a Platform for Advancing Understanding and Integrating Research on Meaningful Work” Piotr Janas O.P., Vice Dean, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum) “Testing the Practical Interpretation of “Criterion 6: Participation” in the Just Wage Framework” Edward F. Brunicardi III and Jun Wei Lee, Institute for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame “Peace on Earth, but Peace Online? Is it Possible?” Patrick Flanagan, Associate Professor and Chair, Theology and Religious Studies, St. John’s University (NY) Room 202 “God’s Peace During the Nuclear Arms Race: The Reagan Administration and the Drafting Process of The Challenge of Peace” Brooke Tranten, Doctoral Student and Program Coordinator for Research, Operations, and Publications, de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, Department of History, Marquette University “Integral Disarmament toward Sustainable Human Development: Fulfilling the Legacy of Pacem in Terris“ James P. O’Sullivan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Ethics, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Saint Joseph’s University “Putin vs the Pope: An Ethic of Deterrence or an Ethic of Disarmament?” Gerard Powers, Coordinator, Catholic Peacebuilding Network, and Director of Catholic Peacebuilding Studies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame Room 204 “Economic Rights, Property, and Peace: Insights from the Catholic Social Thought Tradition” Charles M. A. Clark, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Finance, St. John’s University and Jim Wishloff, Associate Professor, Dhillon School of Business, University of Lethbridge “Alternatives to Economic Growth in Development as Peace: Wellbeing and Integral Human Development” Tony Guidotti, Justice, Health & Democracy Fellow, Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University “Investing in Swords or Plowshares?” Christopher W. Cox, Executive Director, Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment and Mark A. Regier, Vice President of Stewardship Investing, Everence Financial Room 205-207 “Measuring Integral Development in Ethiopia on a Sanitation Project with CRS” Terence McGoldrick, STD, Professor of Theology, Theology Department, Providence College and Henry Schwalbenberg, Director, Fordham University’s Graduate Program in International Political Economy and Development and Associate Professor of Economics, Fordham University “Pacem in Terris: A Resource for Addressing Injustice in Metropolitan Regions” Bro. Raymond Fitz, S.M., Ph.D., President Emeritus, Professor of Social Change, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Dayton “Housing as a Human Right in Service of the Common Good” Margaret Pfeil, Ph.D., Teaching Professor, Theology and the Institute for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame, and Ally Cochran, Maddi Felts, Derek Lee, Packy Murdock, and Savannah Vetterly, University of Notre Dame Students |