Indiana State Award Recipients
Student Awards
Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
This award is given annually by the Indiana chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.7 and have demonstrated both academic proficiency and involvement, as well as service to the community. The two categories for this award are for 1) Non-native/heritage students and 2) Native/heritage students.
2020 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Therese Douglass
Sarah Galbenski
Renita Wilson
2020 Indiana Outstanding Latino/Hispanic College Student
Victoria Whitmore
2019 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Julia Cogan
Amber Grimmer
Timothy Jacklich
Kyersten Siebenaler
2018 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Allison Hidalgo
Lawrence “Trey” Murphy
Brian Raab
Megan Wilson
2017 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Mary Kathryn Eilert
Andrew Grose
2016 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Bonnie Du
Emma Claire Fontenot
Lauren Luegers
Aniela Tyksinski
2015 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Erin Tully
2014 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award
Jason Hoard
Adam Stepanovic
Faculty and Department Awards
2018 5-Sun Department/Program of Spanish/Portuguese
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
The Indiana Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Board awarded the 2018 5-Sun Department/Program of Spanish/Portuguese state distinction to Romance Languages and Literatures. AATSP Indiana Board members presented this recognition due to active faculty involvement and conference presentations in AATSP at the state and national level, the faculty’s promotion of Spanish and Portuguese study abroad, our commitment to local community engagement, and faculty recognition through IN-AATSP state-level awards.
2018 Spanish Teacher of the Year (Collegiate, all levels)
Indiana chapter – American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Prof. Tatiana Botero
ND News, May 14, 2018
2018 Foreign Language Teacher of the Year (Collegiate)
Indiana Foreign Language Teachers’ Association (IFLTA)
Prof. Tatiana Botero
2015 Foreign Language Teacher of the Year
Indiana Foreign Language Teachers’ Association (IFLTA)
2015 Spanish Collegiate Teacher of the Year
Indiana chapter – American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
2015 Student Voice Award for Outstanding Spanish Teacher
Indiana AATSP EXTIMO (EXceptional Teaching IMpact and MOtivation)
2011 Governor’s Award for Service Learning
Indiana’s most prestigious award for volunteer service was awarded to Prof. Marisel Moreno.
Watch an interview of Prof. Moreno talking about the importance and impact of service-learning pedagogy after receiving the award.
Community Partner Awards
2013 Indiana Campus Compact Outstanding Community Partner
This award “recognizes an outstanding community partner organization and its staff and volunteers for their partnership with an Indiana Campus Compact member institution to educate and empower students while providing a positive impact in their communities.”
La Casa de Amistad is a key community partner that has worked with Prof. Marisel Moreno and other faculty as co-educators guiding community-based learning students in Spanish and other disciplines.