Project Horseshoe Farm

ACTIVITIES: HSF’s 13-month Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship and Undergraduate Internships allow students to experientially learn about rural health care, K-12 education, non-profit management, and community leadership


COMMITMENT: 13 months

OVERVIEW: Project Horseshoe Farm (HSF) is a non-profit organization based in Greensboro, Alabama that offers service and support programs for seniors, people with mental illness, and at-risk children. To prepare the next generation of leaders, Horseshoe Farm created a one-year educational grant supported Community Health Fellowship for top recent college graduates. Fellows live together in housing provided by Horseshoe Farm as they work together on teams with other outstanding Fellows and Interns. They volunteer in a range of programs that provide relationship-based support to children, adults living with mental illness, seniors, and other vulnerable individuals. They get to know people, organizations, families, leaders, and others as they live and learn in one of our three wonderful partner communities.