The Institute for Social Concerns was established at Notre Dame in 1983, one of the proud heirs of the commitment to justice by Notre Dame students, faculty, staff, and alumni since the founding of the University by the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1842.
In the late 1970s, with students as a catalyst and guided by the vision of the center’s founding director Rev. Don McNeill, C.S.C., Notre Dame leadership took steps to merge many initiatives and activities into one center that would be housed in its own building on campus. The Institute for Social Concerns inherited a strong tradition of service and learning from the Notre Dame Office of Volunteer Services (a unit of the Office of Student Activities from 1972–1983) and the Center for Experiential Learning (a part of the Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry from 1977–1983). It opened its doors in the former WNDU building on campus, where Geddes Hall now stands, in January 1983 under the leadership of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., then president of the University.
Fr. McNeill served as Executive Director until 2002 when Rev. Bill Lies, C.S.C. became the institute’s second leader. During Fr. Bill’s tenure from 2002 until 2012, the institute experienced impressive growth in programs and resources available to engage students in the local, national, and international communities. Part of that growth included moving into the institute’s new offices in Geddes Hall. This move acknowledged the importance of the institute’s mission within the general mission of the University.
The third executive director, Rev. Paul Kollman, C.S.C., assumed leadership of the institute in July 2012. The institute continued to flourish under his direction, making great strides in community-based research and learning and in a renewed emphasis on Catholic social tradition in programs and courses. Rev. Kevin Sandberg, C.S.C, became the institute’s fourth executive director in July, 2018, after serving as the director of immersion experiences for graduate students since 2014. Suzanne Shanahan, Ph.D., became the institute’s fifth executive director in October, 2021.
An increasing number of students participate in the variety of institute programs each year. This growth in student participation and engagement in programs sponsored or co-sponsored through the institute is significant, and is enriched by the educational outcomes of agencies, their clients, and the students. The faculty have increased their contributions to the educational and reflective components at the core of the institute’s courses and programs. Work with many partners of the institute also enhances the faith-based learning of all who serve, and helps lay a strong foundation for future service and action.