Everyday Justice

CSC 33315

The course will adopt a broad anthropological perspective to introduce students to the cultural and utilitarian contexts of justice that speak to the everyday experience – urging students to rethink issues of education, health, wage, economy, immigration, peace, environment, and spirituality, including the issue of justice itself. We will read some classic and contemporary works on justice that may have (or have not) garnered attention in a world emerging from a pandemic. By the end of the course, students will learn how to use the framework of ‘just-ness’ in things they do on the campus, at home, offices, marketplaces, and inside other social and civil arenas – and unpack their drivers as budding scholars in the humanistic social sciences.

Class Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Instructor: Helal Khan

Credits: 3
Associated TermSpring 2024

Crosslisted with: ANTH 33315, IIPS 33703, CST 33315