Virtues in Engineering
What does it mean to be a good engineer?
Good engineers need computational, design, and problem-solving skills as well as civic, intellectual, moral, and performance virtues to be a force for good in the world.
In 2015, Volkswagen engineers installed software that cheated emissions testing, altering vehicle performance during evaluation. These engineers excelled at computation, design, and problem-solving skills, but they clearly lacked other, more important abilities.
What is Virtue?
Engineering education that prepares students to be a force for good, requires that we build both technical skills and character as it pertains to our professional identities. You might have covered virtue in your theology or philosophy classes, but character and virtue development are not exclusive to religious thinking.
Different contexts (classroom, home, hobbies) may require distinct virtues.
Virtue requires practice:
- Deliberation and Reflection
- Good habits
- Looking to mentors or others for guidance
What are the Different Kinds of Virtues?

Civic Virtues
Character traits that are necessary for engaged citizenship and contributing to the common good.
citizenship; civility; community awareness; neighborliness; service; volunteering.

Performance Virtues
Character traits that have an instrumental value in enabling the intellectual, moral, and civic virtues.
confidence; determination; motivation; perseverance; resilience; leadership; teamwork.

Intellectual Virtues
Character traits necessary for discernment, right action, and the pursuit of knowledge, truth, and understanding.
autonomy; critical thinking; curiosity; judgement; reasoning; reflection; resourcefulness.

Moral Virtues
Character traits that enable us to thoughtfully act well in situations that require an ethical response.
compassion; courage; gratitude; honesty; humility; integrity; justice; respect.

Civic Virtues
Civic virtues allow engineers to define and understand their ties and responsibilities to society. The unique influence of engineers on society makes civic virtues integral to engineering character development. These are necessary for engaged, responsible citizens contributing to the common good of society. A few important civic virtues are:
Willingness to partner with those who are striving for justice and equal treatment.
Respect for Others
Capacity to engage others and not overstate one’s own status in the community.
Community Awareness
Inclusion of community partners in dialogue.
Reasonableness and good judgment.
Commitment to give others their due, including what they deserve socially and economically. Characterized by avoiding cheating, stealing, or otherwise disadvantaging others and making efforts to restore others to a place of justice.

Performance Virtues
Performace virtues help us to respond well to various situations. These are often tested at job interviews with questions like, “How do you handle conflicts?” These are often defined as virtues that enable people to manage their lives effectively. Without performance virtues, you are unlikely to be able to live the intellectual, civic, and moral virtues in everyday life. Several performance virtues will help you flourish as an engineer, including:
Ability to withstand or recover quickly from challenges in order to eventually achieve success.
Belief of yourself arising from appreciating your own abilities and qualities.
Having purpose and resoluteness toward a goal.
Combined action of a group towards a goal, especially when effective.
Behaviors that can be used to align people, groups, or organizations in a collective direction.

Intellectual Virtues
Intellectual virtues are necessary for educational and mental growth. These build habits for learning now, in your engineering classes, and for lifelong learning as well.
An eager wish to know or learn about something.
Thinking of new ways to solve problems and create new opportunities or products.
The disposition to be inquisitive and to ask why, and as a consequence the desire to experience in search of understanding. Characterized by asking deep and meaningful questions.
The ability to remain focused on the task at hand while noticing important details. Characterized by being able to avoid becoming distracted when a task is especially difficult or easily completed and by looking for ways to better understand information rather than simply rote memorization.

Moral Virtues
Moral virtues enable us to act well in situations that require an ethical response.
Disposition to give others the attention and consideration that they deserve, and is characterized by treating others with dignity and diligence.
Commitment to align your conduct with the way you view the world. Characterized by backing up your words and beliefs with how you act.
Orientation to work for a better future. Characterized by perseverance and fighting through challenging times with the expectation of something worth working for.
Unlimited loving-kindness towards others that results in care, empathy, and compassion for those around us.
Willingness to admit one’s own limitations and mistakes. Characterized by being unconcerned about one’s intellectual status and willing to admit what is not known as much as what is known.