Good Read
November 2021

The Sacred Life: Humanity's Place in a Wounded World

Norman Wirzba

published October 2021

“Work is good when workers see how their efforts contribute to the thriving, beautification and celebration of the world.” –This Sacred Life, page 145

When I picked up Norman Wirzba’s new book, I expected to read a response to environmental crises like climate change and plastics in the ocean. While Wirzba is known for his work at the intersection of theology, philosophy and environmental studies, The Sacred Life is about far more than reckoning with the Anthropocene. The book explores what it means to be human and presents a vision for work, creativity, and relationships. It is a high view, where each chapter could be expanded into a full book; however, in bringing together history, philosophy and theology on issues ranging from transhumanism to exploitation to biology, Wirzba shows how these subjects are related, and provides a path toward flourishing.

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Samantha Deane