
Justice Education

May 2024


In his reflection on "Training Happy Warriors," James E. Coleman, Jr. discusses ways he engages law students to cultivate a deep sense of purpose. "We tell our students that they will face many opportunities in their careers to act with courage and integrity, sometimes against prevailing winds," he said.

Is Your Work Worth It?
Good Read

Through three sections – work, worth, and work that’s worthy – the authors explore issues around work and purpose, and give readers ways to think about their own work and the role they would like it to play in a meaningful life.


In 2016, Cynda Rushton started exploring what could be done to help nurses prepare for the moral distress and suffering that they would inevitably face as part of their work in healthcare. And the leadership at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing was on board. Dean Patricia Davidson knew how many nurses leave the profession within their first year of work, making it clear how important emphasizing the role of resilience is in preparing nurses for their careers. From there, the Mindful Ethical Practice and Resilience Academy (MEPRA) was born. Through MEPRA, nurses learn to be mindful, clarify their values, and exercise self-stewardship, all skills which then strengthen their moral resilience and help them confront the ethical challenges they face in acute care settings.

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