Artwork: “July is Bursting” by Christopher Noxon


Suzanne Shanahan, Editor

I spent most of June in Dublin. My first academic job was in Ireland—almost 30 years ago in the Sociology faculty at University College Dublin. I stayed only two years. But my family has since then visited Dublin at least a couple of times each year. It is a second home of sorts. It feels wonderfully familiar.
      This is where I first read the essays that appear in this issue of the Virtues & Vocations magazine on generosity. They helped me understand something that has long eluded me.


Generous Eyes, Radical Love


Seeing the Good
An Interview with Fr. Greg Boyle


Fr. Martin Lam Nguyen, CSC


Abundant Vocation

Experience and Extend

Good Engineering | Joshua Brake

The Two Josh Problem

Good Medicine | Abraham Nussbaum

Generous Medicine

The Good Doctor | Sneha Mantri

The Generosity of Work Worth Loving

Good Work | Christopher Wong Michaelson

And more . . .

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