Addressing Income, Housing, and Food Insecurity
Event Summary
Monthly Theme: Creative Community During Times of Crisis
Week 4 Topic: Addressing Income, Housing, and Food Insecurity
Dan Ryan, a community partner working with the Logan Center, was able to give a poignant overview of what the organization is currently facing. They are trying to adjust to the shift in staffing due to COVID-19 and are moving in stride. They have plans in place for meeting the needs of COVID-19 impacted clients but as of right now none of their live-in clients have been diagnosed with the virus. “Logan Care” is a fund that they are relying on to support efforts in meeting over areas of their work that are being over-resourced. There has been a decline in what the state has been able to provide for resources and so donations have been critical.
Connie Mick, the Academic Affairs Director and Co-Director of Poverty Studies Interdisciplinary Minor (PSIM), was able to share valuable information on the research she has done on the encampment communities that occupied Main Street in South Bend in 2016. This research on homelessness and displacement is a useful perspective on current trends our communities are facing.
The breakout session and larger group conversations with the participating community partners covered questions such as how is shelter-in-place impacting your clients housing security, did the resources provided in the CARES Act address the needs in your communities, what was the outcome of other state and federal aid for your populations, and what has been the impact of shelter-in-place on food security?
Notre Dame Law School Economic Justice Clinic
Run by Professor Judy Fox. Link to two COVID-related resource sheets at their website, one provided by the state, and another that breaks down legal changes during the pandemic.
South Bend Human Rights Commission
Offers a series of webinars featuring experts and advocates on housing, jobs, and the like. The June 2 event featured a state workforce development specialist on employment resources. They also offer playback of prior webinars.
Provides resources and information for workers, including apprenticeship and training programs.
A nonpartisan group promoting inclusive economies and a working-families agenda. Has formed a coalition Indiana Cares: A Call to Protect and Care for All Hoosiers During the COVID-19 Crisis, to promote worker and community safety in response to Gov. Holcomb’s Indiana Back on Track plan.
Study of South Bend Homeless Encampment
This case study focuses on an encampment of people who lived unsheltered in South Bend, IN during 2016-2017. It reviews the origins and impact of the encampment. Includes opportunities to get involved in additional case studies around the complex and dynamic factors behind poverty and homelessness.
Food Resources During COVID-19
Locations and timing of food pantries in the South Bend area, including additional sites during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the pandemic, pantries in St. Joseph County will operate a drive-through model distribution until further notice. Items will be pre-bagged and pre-boxed. You are asked to remain in your vehicle. There will be a designated area for walk-up shoppers.
Housing Resources in South Bend
Multiple organizations in the South Bend area offer housing resources. Organizations include the Center for the Homeless, Hope Ministries, Hannah’s House (supporting pregnant women who face housing insecurity), Our Lady of the Road (run by the South Bend Catholic Worker), and Youth Service Bureau.